dear m.,
one week of germany, one week which i really needed.
the first couple of days i just enjoyed my family. my parents weren't home so i spend time with my brother, cousin and aunts.
and than i went to berlin. well you now the deutsche bahn... it's almost impossible to travel without trouble.but this time it actually went out good for me, the chaos made me arrive in berlin 2 hours early.
in berlin i met two friend with whom i spend a lot of time in my erasmus time in porto. it was so nice and naturall to see them back. alot of keeping up, talkin and cooking. they both had uni at day time so i just walked alot on my own through different parts of berlin. and in the evenings we would meet. it was so great to see somethig new, but not feeling the urge to see everything. more a kind of a floating. nice breakfast, good art, some coffe...
A really good tip was the " hamburger bahnhof" an old train station and now the museum of contemporary art. partly setteled german artists as beuys and one of my favorites anselm kiefer, partly changing exhibions as "soma" of carsten höller (
fisrt time that i saw living animals in a museum and even the security people were still wondering a bout it.

a short note. one night i went with the bicycle through berlin. i stoped at the monument for the killed jews in germany . i saw so many pictures in advance but it's impossibe to take fotos wich discribe the feeling to be there.

and now i have to become a bit political...
saturday morning my plan was to go back to my home town, because i needed to be in antwerp on monday to sign the contract for my appartement (yes, finally i am not homeless anymore!!!) .
but my friend would go to a hughe demonstration in gorleben against nuclear energy...
so i went with them. getting up at 6 in the morning, driving 3 hours by car adn than ariving some where in nowhere. well, thats not really true sinds 30 years this little village is verry known in germany and also across the borders.
before i wasn't really aware of the problems of nuclear energy. not the producing of the enrgy itself is the biggest problem but the before and after.
the mines to get the ressources for nucelar enregy are really against human rights.
and what to do with all the waste? the nuclear wst is really hot, so for 40 years or so it is kept in a certain stok to cool down. when its transported it's still a few hundert degrees hot. it's transported from france to germany where it is stocked in a old salt mine. this includes severall problems. first of all it's not save enough, than the heat really washes all the minerals out of the walls, they desole into ths earth and the river above, which changes the sourounding drastically. the farmers really get a problem, becasue plants don't grow on salty soil.

since years it was a hughe demonstration again, because actually germany wanted to leae the nuclear program in 2012 but decided now to go on for 15 more years. which means 15 more years of verry dangerous waste.
next to the demonstrations ther were sit-ins on the streets and railways where the transport had to pass, and also a more radical action called "shottern" tringing to remove the little stones between the railways so it would be to dangerous to pass by train.
there were a few thousand police men who tried to keep activist aay from the area. in a few cases it was violent from both sides,but mainly the intention of the activists was pacifistic.
I was deeply impressed on how good it was organised, nobody had to feel allone, there was a big feeling of accepting each other but making our voices against the politics visible. helping each other, showing solidarity.
and evrything on donations. nothing had a a certain price every body gave as much as it was possible. a duch kitchen called " rampenplan" was in the camp which took me in to provide the food. people helped cutting veggies and washing dishes.
there were tents for averybody, straw to sleep on, adn blankets. containers with fire against the cold at night.
and besides that it froze it was such a good atmosphere. it took away alot of fears of me, because i saw that there are people who look for each other and who stand together.
the camp i was in is called " x tausend mal queer" .

well as you already see i didn't went back on saturday but selpt in a camp. and than sunday morning it was a moment chaotic and i didn't know how to gt back. but than a women just brought me and a nother girl to a street, where a nother guy took us with his car to the next trainstation and i got home after a few hours ( i talked to so many people in the train after that weekende of getting to know a lot of peolple).
a dinner at my aunts place, one night in my bed, ad another chaotic train trip to belgium where i signed my contract...
and here i am