partly dots partly good stuff from germany. two month and it`s christmas. I actually plan already what to bake, and this year I will cook on christmas eve because my mum has to work.It's crazs but it might be the german in me. Here in belgium people only know one christmas cookie: Speculoos. and this one is actually a all year cookie just in a special form on santa clause. Whereas you have hundreds of them in germany and austria.
Another difference is that you get certain thing easier and cheaper in our homecountries so both of us imported quite some grounded nuts, whole nuts, dried fruits and spices( vanilla beans, safron, pink pepper and anis ). the round white dots are "Backoplaten", by the way the non-holy version of altar bread. It's used to make kokonut macroons ( and it sticks wounderfully to your palate).
and don't you just love the spanish backing powder packaging, such a wonderfull design.
further there are the brown caramel sugar rocks for tea. a boc to keep the cookies (let's see if that's gonna work) , and one puls warmer( second to come, it was meant to fit my hat but my brother liked it so much that I gave iit to him. It is faltering that my little brother wants to haev something self knitted from me).
sticking a bit to the dot topic, i took also a pic of the favorite neclases of that moment, all round, all long...
that was it so far.
I brought so much with me , and forgot about my underwear wich is still hanging to dry in germany. I won't be back there before christmas, so I know what to shop tomorror...
p.s.: It was sooo nice to talk to you again after all those weeks and days, and all in a sudden we are in a different season...
let's make pumkin lamps in the weekend
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