snow chaos in europe.
and we had such a nice idea, to pass the first hour of our trips together. my wasn't that log actually, and it almost went ok. besides we couldn't be in the same train. but at least we saw each other wil our trains were pasing each other. this was so niceand unexpected to still get a glimps of you and wave before we headded of to our homes and into the new year.
today i did all the baking i didn't do in the last month. so an oven is first priority in 2011. here are the results. I found an old notebook, i think i was 14 or 15 when i wrote it, wit the recipes of my godmother. she is the eldes siste of my granmother, and overtook her role a bit. sending every christmas a massive pakage of cookies ( like you get now from your mom). i tried out the favorites of teh family: Rum harts, nut-chocolate cookies, Spitzbuben and vanillekipferl . Plus white rum truffels ( my own creation).
I never saw so much snow in my life. and it will be my first white christmas EVER. yeah you heard right EVER. once we had half a cm snow on christmas, I was about 5 years old than, and i still rememberd the footprints of a woman in front of us, when we went to church.
that's is
merry christmas to al of you.
spend it with people who are important. just enjoy each others company.
( I ruined the handmixer!!! while making semi-fredo for tomorrors dessert)
and all the best
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