your tea pictures are so beautiful! And maybe I do have to go to Genk once, it looks so interestingly spooky :)
I am trying to catch up with my posting, I've been very lazy, lately.
Tea is only one of the many things we have in common. One other thing is, that we can both be very obsessive with things.. with removing ivy roots, for example!
Last weekend you and me spent hours in the garden of the house I live in (which is the house of the Tikis, the aunts of N.'s). They have a huge garden, in the middle of the city, but nothing much happens in there, for the simple reason that it is one big mess. Last spring and summer I already started to clean it up a bit, but it seemed such an impossible mission. Two weeks ago I resumed my restauration works, with the main goal of growing a patch of grass and sitting outside on warm summer's evenings. (Image in my head: A fabulous summer's dinner, with lampions, a glass of spritz,laughter.... kitch-sigh!)
So, here are some pics! (I know that it still looks really messy, but it is SO much better already!)

Oktober 09, the original state of the garden. It looks quite beautiful when everything is lusciously green, but as soon as the leaves are gone it feels like a massive pile of dirt.)
May 10, when some of the ivy on the ground has already been removed. Also, we had to cut the romantic willow, because it was all rotten.
now. I worked for three hours in the garden today. My (insert any body part at all) hurts. But I enjoy the work so much! Especially because today was such a sunny day. And I just couldn't stop. (this is the compulsive dimension to it: oh, here's another root. gotta pull that out. oh, and this one here needs some digging. done. oh, wait, these ugly dead plants here, and this root...)
green garbage of the day.
dear S., dear readers, maybe this is a really boring post. But I just had the urge to write it, with my garden-sore fingers.
I love the oddness of this post. I love the mixture of pain and enthusiasm that exudes from it. So nicely put. I'm sure the garden will be spectacularly beautiful it a matter of months x