time is rushing by...
just 2 month to go and i will leave uni behind me. and still so much to do.
besides this some canges happend in my private life, and i 'm really happy. but also have to get uesed to it.
so here are the last 2 weeks in pictures.
i was in genk ( an old mine city on the german-belgium border) to attend my masterclass. It was so nice to have a project and to give one week everything for it so it#s ready by frieday for visitors. much more my way of working.
one week of stiching, hammering, glueing... at the end i looked like a mine worker, all black from the coal dust...
from genk i directly went to the opsssit border of elgium. the coast. one weekend with my dear one in an appartement just at the beach. one weekend without stress, befor we both rush into the countdown. so we tried to get everything out of it because we'll won't see each other so much for a while ( especially not relaxed).
it was full of good food (incl. self made mayonaise on this very blurry pic), lazynes,fireworks, kites and beach walks.
monday we really went early to gent to get is eye checked ( he had an operation a week before, but all went good) , but had to wait there for ages, so like a soap bubbel the relaxation was gone. so the last week was buzzy buzzy again. i try to take my time to vistit people. and get everything done which needs to be done. to-do list are an illness from which there is no cure, i guess.
and my plants are growing. i try to take good care of them. i took them inside because it gets pretty cold at night, and i don't want them to freez. so now i water them and even talk to them so they will becaome beautyfull flowers and give me a bit of a nture feeling in summer.( by the way the grass in your garden is doing great )
and isn't it funny that there hide their heads still in their seedcaps when they come out of the ground...
and how are the mountains
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