gpoy: Gratuitous Picture Of Yourself, used a lot on tumblr; A picture of yourself, or something that you do like a gif of someone dancing like an idiot or a socially awkward penguin picture.
this is something I have learned from Tumblr this week. (Who ever invented tumblr, anyways? It is hor-ri-ble! can't stay off it, but I'm refusing to get my own account.)
so, what I was wanting to say: I am writing my final Bachelor paper at the moment (well, actually, it's been going on for quite a while now).
Charlie will help me express the way I feel about it- multiple personality gpoy, here we go:
hey, everything is just fine, got 30pages written already, professor kind of gave me a carte blanche,my topic is SUPER interesting and I could go on about it forever. stretch and smile.
i-i-i-i-i (sound of strings in Hitchcocks shower murder scene in Psycho)- What an EARTH I am even writing about? what is my thesis statement again- "Let me explain to you my blury ideas of how the main concerns of youth a hundred years ago are still the same as now and how these are represented in like all of literature? I'll be like totally able to do that in 30 something pages, and I'll show you that I completely get it all, ok?" heeeeelp! way too complex way too broad topic, can never be clear about what I actually want to say- I am not saying this very same thing for the fifth time already?
just shut down the f*cking computer already and get a life. academia is really one big house where all the bullshit of the world is being expatiated, do I really want to be part of this?

ohne Worte.
Well, excuse my rude language use- this is just how I sound in real life.
S., I am so happy to know that you are around, right now in Ghent, I suppose. What would I do without you?
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