- I really like your skirt, it turned out so well! and the high shoes too! your legs look really good in both of them ;)
- I am extremely sad about what happened at the Loveparade in Duisburg this weekend. how could this tragedy have happened? I can't get it out of my head.
- The words in the title really mean something
- My day in a short (or maybe not so short) sketch:
8.03: alarm-clock... aaah I'll get up in just a min.
8.21: "Get uuuup"(Mama's slightly stressed voice). A cuppa Twinings' "Prince of Wales" to brace myself for church.
9.11: preaching of "bitten und beten". checking out the interesting construction an elderly man sitting in front of me made with his few resting hairs on his head; you know the way they like to comb them all on one side to make them cover their baldness... I tried to find a picture on google, unseccesfully. (wth I am all doing at 2.30 in the morning.) discovering a new species of spider that perfectly adapts to the color of the singing book covers.
afterwards, we went to my Grandma. She is one of the funniest old people I know, her spirit and her face are so youthfull! She thaught me how to make Marillenknödel mit Topfenteig- apricot and fresh cheese dumplings. And the best trick to replace the stone of the fruit with a piece of sugar: just use the stick of a wooden spoon /Kochlöffel to push it out. SO easy. (dough: 200-300g of fresh cheese (kwark), 50g flour, 50g breadcrums, a pinch of salt; blend those well, take a little bit of the dough and push it flat between your hands (make your hands wet before, it helps). then take the apricot, put it on the dough, cover it carefully. cook. sugar. noms. at least I hope they were yummy, I didn't eventually try them myself. My bossy cousin (who is a forrest ranger) got them. all. but when I saw that my grandma started to cook something non-meaty my enthusiasm took over and I had to stick my nose and hands into her business)then: home. convince my family to have some kohlrabi in cream with their Schnitzel. eat. I had baked cheese, so nice! Then I repaired mum's sewing machine together with my dad. Took 2 hrs. Ironed to help mum, 'cause she is in pre-vacation-leaving stress. family-similarity? CHECK. (my last post). Ate some nice stuff I baked yesterday. Took my other grandma (who is ridiculously proud (WHY omg?) of only weighing 38kg.. she's really weak and can't eat well... strange woman, but lovely too) for a grand tour in our/her garden. Helped her with weeding (= Unkraut jäten... schraal), collected some flowerseeds to take to Antwerp. Sewed some pants up for mum. ate. more tea. and then: staring. at multiple media. and disliking that. but being stuck. I'm pretty sure most people who will read this know what I am talking about, don't you? why are you still here? ;)
(oh well. I feel rather cynical. I need some relaxation, but at the same time I don't want to stop being busy and all)
where was I.. yes:
4. yesterday my dear friend M. came by. We decided to have some traditional English Tea and baked Scones. It was such a perfect evening, too bad you couldn't join us!
And then there also were these:

my usual lemon-cakes. In an awkward model position. M. and I had tried to photograph them beautifully but it was night, so we couldn't take them outside.. and the potplant as a co-star didn't really work it, neither did the prison-shot. So: this is a cut-out piece of a pic.
Ok, originally a wanted to show you the bag I made for E. last week, but as my "short" day-survey got a little out of control and I really need to go to bed now because I want to go to a market tomorrow morning, I will do that tomorrow.
So, 'til soon!
PS: since the day I have arrived in Austria, I have found (and pulled out) 9 white hairs... 9! in 3 days! should I be worried?
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