well a bit late but here it comes ...
the last two days in our hometown of choice where really strange, almost everyone was gone and I had to pack. It gets faster and faster to put my whole life into boxes. Okay I over exagurate a bit but in a way it just feels like it. All those relics of former homes and travel destinations. These are no objects anymore they are witnesses of adventures and just of the time that passes. What I really love is that most of the objects have a certain smell , too, with whoms help I can just travel beack in time and relofe moments. Smells just capture so much more than a picture can. You just are there than.
well that's so fare the sentimental part of it. But nevertheless it gets easier, the habit of packing. After a while I just figured out a system and it goes pretty fast.
I traveld back to my parents place like always with the train, crossing thre language zones, which makes it feel longer and further than it actually is. To hear the train anouncements in the dialect of my region always makes me feel "back home", besides that another proof to arrive are the traditional trainstation pubs with beer ads over the entrance.
The reason I went home at that date was the birthday of my father... he became 56 , I just got up when I decorated the cake... and had to ask daya, "euhm did I write the 5 right?" and she looked at it and said "NO".
The cake was the almond-choclate-rasberry one we baked together last summer when you visited me here. After the breakfast with a misspeled birthday cake, we passed the day in cologne. It was nice but also really hot, so most of the time we spent in churches. I don't like the gothic Kölner Dom so much. it looks a bit like a vampire castel, eaten up by moths. But there were two extraorinary ones: one with a Chapel decorated with real human bones ( whole patterns at the wall, and sculls wraped in velvet), and one verry quiet and light one with a round sanctuary.
The rest of the time I visit family, crafting the decoration for my cousins wedding and reading under the appeltree my father gave to me as a kid to climb on ( now it's verry old and weak and not so tall anymore as it has been when I was small)
Ah two more things : first we had a crazy storm here. a tornado it was so amazing to see the strength of nature. second ; I just write it once please be kind with my missspeling and gramma weakness ;). and third (ok one more) I have been with my parents in the rainbow cafe in marais in paris, it's really nice.
hope to see you here soon
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