Dear S.,
after my jacket was stolen out of the car during a festival in the north of France last week, I have the biggest cold ever, accompanied by vile asthmatical cough. So I had to spend most of the time last week inside, sleeping, watching Nigella Lawson's luscious cookings, playing with the kittycat or working on projects. Actually, I have been quite productive, have a look:
My first time ever mitten! hihi, I'm so happy with it :)
especially because Charlie has a matching scarf (no, she does not hate it, she really loves wearing it!):
on the picture above you can see the knitting box I have borrowed from the Tikis, it is fabulous! It is so handy when you are knitting with different colours and have a cat too.. Charlie thinks she needs to infuse all the wool with her saliva before I can actually knit with it; or she just carries away the whole ball of wool at once.
Second project: A beam-of-light-turning-into-rainbow prisma bag for our dear friend G., whose bags were stolen in the north of France last week. So we decided to make her a new one. Also, she is leaving for Erasmus in Dresden this week.. why do all you people feel the urge to go away all the time?! ... says the foreign student :p
Here she is, wearing the precious thing in rainy Antwerp...
N. patchworked the rainbow from all kinds of different fabrics we found around the house, including old pyjamas, jeans, a sweater and the fabric I made my first dress ever out of (... the shiny yellow one. yes.) Making this bag was the perfect saturday project for N. and myself, and now we're both jealous of G. because the bag is hers.. :p
My dear, this is it for now. Back to work tomorrow early morning, and loads of work will be waiting for me there. And then there's also Uni starting this week. My mind is not quite set to that thought yet although I'm sure an interesting year is ahead of me.
I'll still have a cuppa "no stress" tea- precious little paper bag filled with dried delight... I should definitely make an entry about my/our tea obsession, sometime soon!
kisses, M.