in Belgium millions of kids went back to school on the first of september, and for some it was the first day at school ever.
can you remeber how it was when you were small.
At my first schoolday in primary school, my mum looked at me on my way to school, and tought all in a sudden that my frindge was to long.... so she pulled me behinde some bush and cut it with my new siccors. We all made those surprise cones in kindergarden , which were filled with good things.
But even in the following years this first day of school stayed special. The night before I never could sleep, and got massiv cramps in my stomache , so my mother would be next to me till i fell asleep. normaly I didn't see so many of my friends in the big vacations, because my parents took us to long trips in Europe. so it was exiting to see them all back, and hear their stories.
This pictrure I took last weekende in Namur/ Namen . A really cute romantic city, woorth a daytrip.
our firts day of "school" also comes closer again
kisses s.
hope all the post cover a bit that I was absence for a long time
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