Dear M.
This is my last week in food. It's not really balanced, and you can see that I'm a hardcore sweet tooth...

Backing plums for a cake

Plum streusel, yummie. after the spinace salad, while watching "two fat ladies"

How to transport half a cake through the city on a bike?

Speculoos, the belgian classic. Gets me into the christmas baking mood already

The greasiest cake ever, Mascarpone plum cake, with the redwine pear and a glas of wine, thats some dessert heaven.

Pears in red wine, you got drunk just by the smel of hot alcohol. Just one thing: WOW!

There we tried the balsamico balsam (balsamico cooked with some sugar, first it was caramel..., but I love cramel) with some frech soinace, Mozarella and peas. It was so nice, you got the idea from palais de tokyo in paris. a combination which would never come to my mind. i loved the frechnes, sweet and sour combination.. and the look

Colours: This is a orange green Dinner, Ginger carrot soup and gouacamole sandwich on the balcony, always nice to watch people while eating
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