here's my latest sewing project! my very first pyjama pants + shirt with applications, coming in a travel bag- a Christmas present for N.
sadly enough I don't have any time for sewing right now. Uni work is keeping me busy, hours and hours a day. For my master courses, I don't have any exams but I have to write papers. The first one of 19 pages is done, 2 more tasks to go. After a week of almost constant uni work, I am really tired and don't feel like working at all. the winter sun is shining into my eyes right now, as I sit at the table in my room. I feel like going for a walk or drinking coffee with friends or starting a new sewing project or reading a book or just being lazy and watch tv all day long. sigh. Need to start next paper, it's only a short one, 1500 words, but it needs a lot of research, deadline tomorrow evening. need to start next paper.
Lots of love, dear S.
I am looking forward to all of us being back in Antwerp. I miss all of you, I miss my own house, I miss Charlie Mew. But the air here does me good, I was able to work good for uni, and I think my family kind of needs me now. So I'll still stay, for a while.
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