i am almost a free woman.
finally i finished the jury. and with some kind of surprise i have to say i surrvieved the stress wich cooked up my stomache.
so all the drama came to an conclusion, and just that made me kind of proud.
there is still a lot to do, because i got loats of critics on which i have to work now.
this is a glass sculpture and a book, the main pieces. i just love the room in which i wanted to expose it. it's under the roof of my uni. a mystical place. an old libary, now kind of broken down and the home to loats of pigons. but still you fnd this athmosphere in there that just makes you wisper to not disturb anyone, who ever it will be .
and the two first images of my book. so much thank's to you, with helping ma glueing and cutting it. 2 hands and one brain just weren't enough for that job.
i got the critics abou the fact that sometimes my stuff is to clean and to estetic to be art. well, maybe it's just because i love design as well as art.
for the rest i showed some ceramic objects and other books i made.
and a video...
i will post pics of the ceramics as soon as i made good ones.
see you in a few minutes for a coffee... oh what a feeling a saturday to relax ( i just don't think about this 200 pages of art philosophie in dutch i have to read till wednesday... )
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