Dresden!! I loved it! These few days away from any of my homes were just great! We spent days of bright sun and blue skies strolling around, going to the Opera, drinking coffee and tea, sitting at G.'s kitchen table, laughing a lot, singing "What's up" at three in the morning. hmmmm, I enjoyed to live an utterly different kind of life for a few days.
Most astonishing thing about the city: it is so spacious. you don't get the feeling of being narrowed in by the buildings, the streets are broad and the many squares are vast. And so on. Summed up: We all had a great time.
some impressions, voila:
skyline! amazing sunsets at the Elbe every single day.
breakfast! fantastic german bread with cheese :)
Lovely A. at the kitchentable, enjoying heart tea
Some of the heart teabags we made
Ha! This is especially for you: A picture of one of the postcards in the kitchen. love it :)
Spread the love at the Elbe! After A.'s stop-motion-film project.
holidays are good for me. On monday, the second semester starts. My feelings towards it are scceptical- as most of the time when something new is ahead. What I wish for: less of "same-same" in our lives. And an atelier :p.
Are you in?
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