hello from the graydays. I am so glad January is done by today. February promises more peacefulness, somehow. I don't quite know why, but it feels like that. January was just wild. Yesterday I looked outside the window at 6pm and the sky wasn't yet fully dark.. a small moment of joy, I tell you! I miss my home these days. After being in Austria for a whole month, it can be hard to be back here. N is extremely busy, as always. It is such a miracle how people can have such different values and goals in life. At the moment, there is no Uni, so I have time.
But what on earth do I do with it?! phhh. not much, really.
Ok, I'll stop with my lamentations. Here are some pics
Buchteln! a kind of brioche dough filled with berry jam or prune jam. So nice! This is the first batch I ever made, and they were lovely
Here's Charlie with a little promise of spring: She ADORES apricots. no idea why, but she goes totally crazy about them. Here she tries to catch mine. Her latest trick: she always sleeps on the working table, and when she smells or sees something she wants to have, she yawns and stretches her paws *accidentally* right on to the object of desire :)
same trick with the cheesecake N and I made yesterday evening:
button projects! one for the wall, one to wear:
And here are some of the birdies I made as decorations for my very plain white bedroom curtains.
Now I will go on with sewing. I'm trying to do a cylinder shaped pencil case for M., it takes me quite some brainsqueezes to figure out how it will work ;)
love, M.
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